Resource Hub

Invasive Forest Pests

Visitor information poster for spotted lanternfly

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tips On Hiring A Contractor for Invasive Plant Management

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Landowners & Communities

TNC Vermont Guide for Working with Local Governments on the issue of invasive plant management.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tool 1 A Landowner’s Guide to Invasive Plant Field Assessment

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tool 1a: Vermont Field Form to accompany Landowner Guide to Invasive Plant Assessment

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tool 2 A Forester’s Guide to Incorporating Invasive Plant Assessments into UVA Management Plans

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tool 3 A Landowner’s Guide to Seeking Funding from the Natural Resource Conservation Service

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tool 4 Invasive Plant Treatment Methods

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tool 5 Invasive Plant Contractor’s Guide to Invasive Plant Field Assessment and Cost Proposal Development

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tool 6 Weed Management Plan Template

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tool 7 Guidelines for Site Restoration

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Tool 8 Property Summary Assessment

This is the About section for the Youth Volunteer Program Guide, by VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation and Winooski Valley Park District.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators

This is the Adapting your program section for the Youth Volunteer Program Guide, by VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation and Winooski Valley Park District.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators

This is the Guidance section for the Youth Volunteer Program Guide, by VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation and Winooski Valley Park District.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators

This is the Helpful Hints section for the Youth Volunteer Program Guide, by VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation and Winooski Valley Park District.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators

This is the Other Resources section for the Youth Volunteer Program Guide, by VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation and Winooski Valley Park District.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators

This is the Steps section for the Youth Volunteer Program Guide, by VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation and Winooski Valley Park District.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants

Tree-of-heaven is an invasive deciduous tree from China, and its fast-growing nature means it can directly impact the health of Vermont forests.

Resources for Educators

Lesson plan for grades 7-10.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Landowners & Communities

UVA Invasive Plant Assessment Methods

Invasive Terrestrial Plants

Don't move firewood poster for Vermont.

Training Manual for the Vermont Public Access Greeter Program, including step-by-step instructions for watercraft inspection and decontamination.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Landowners & Communities

The Vermont Shoreland Protection Act allows for removal of noxious or nuisance species, if they are included on the following list. Please seek a professional or qualified opinion if in doubt about a species identification. If a species is not listed, it cannot be removed, even if it is a nuisance.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Project How-To Guide: Recruiting and working with volunteers- Volunteer Interest Form Template

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Project How-To Guide: Organizing and Executing a Workday- Volunteer sign-in sheet template

Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities, Invasive Forest Pests

VT EAB Look-alikes

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Landowners & Communities

List of contractors who can complete mechanical or chemical treatment of invasive plants in Vermont, have consented to being listed for the purposes of assisting landowners through NRCS Farm Bill programs, and are included in alphabetical order.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Weed Management Plan - long form

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Weed Management Plan - short form