Arrive Clean Campaign

The tranquility of the forest, the thrill of discovering a new hiking trail, and the joy of camping under the stars—as outdoor recreationists we cherish these experiences. However, these very activities can also spread invasive plants, insects, and diseases, damaging the very forests we love. Fortunately, whether you are a hiker, hunter, or mountain biker, you can slow the spread of invasive forest pests such as hemlock woolly adelgid, oak wilt, and Asian longhorned beetle by following a few simple but effective steps:

Clean Your Gear

Did you know invasive insects can hide in camping equipment, boots, and clothing?

Before heading out on outdoor adventures, and when leaving a forest area, remove any dirt, debris, or insects that might be hiding in folds of tents or clothing, or the treads of boots or tires to prevent unintentionally bringing pests to new areas. Even horses and pets can inadvertently transport invasive pests on their fur or belongings, so give them a good brushing too.

Check Your Vehicle

Some insects, such as spotted lanternfly, can hitchhike long distances by laying eggs on vehicles which then infest new locations.

While spotted lanternfly (SLF) does not damage forest trees, when the adults gather in large masses, they make camping and other outdoor activities very unpleasant. These leafhoppers can also cause significant damage to grape vineyards. If you are coming from a state with a spotted lanternfly infestation, check your cars, trailers, and campers for spotted lanternfly egg masses. See a map of SLF infestations and learn more here.

Don’t Move Firewood

One of the most common ways invasive insects and diseases spread is through campers moving firewood long distances.

While it is tempting to bring firewood from home, doing so can introduce a hidden forest-destroying pest to your favorite place to camp. Instead,use only firewood that is certified as treated or buy or gather firewood close to where you will burn it.

Report Sightings

Early detection makes all the difference in controlling the spread of these pests. 

Report signs of invasive pests here. 

As outdoor enthusiasts, we can help preserve the beauty and integrity of our forests. By implementing simple yet effective practices, such as buying local firewood and cleaning our gear, we can slow the spread of invasive forest pests. Let's join forces to safeguard the places that bring us so much joy and inspiration!

For more information