Resource Hub

Sign posted at public boat ramps around Vermont encouraging boaters to make sure that their watercraft and gear are drained, clean, and dry.

Poster notifying paddlers what they can do to limit the spread of aquatic invasive species.

Brief video demonstrating a few simple steps you can take to ensure that you and your watercraft are not transporting invasive species.

Invasive Forest Pests

This guide is intended help distinguish emerald ash borer from other common problems of ash trees.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Project How-To Guide: Organizing and Executing a Workday- Common supplies needed for an invasives control workday

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

A comparison of project strategies, weed-led vs. site-led vs. issue-led

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Project How-To Guide: Planning your project- Comparison of project strategies based on project scale

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Cooking with Invasive Plants Activity, by VT Dept. Forests, Parks & Recreation

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Landowners & Communities

A Co-operative Invasive Species Management Area, or CISMA, is a partnership among local organizations that have a vested interest in maintaining the ecological health of a particular area through invasive plant outreach, prevention and management. Organizations that are part of a CISMA can work together to share resources and collectively be more effective in their work.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators

Design your own invasive plant activity, by VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation.

Invasive Terrestrial Plants, Resources for Educators, Resources for Landowners & Communities

Getting started- Developing a management plan outline

Invasive Terrestrial Plants

Learn more about the differences between invasive wild parsnip, and the locally evolved plant, goldenrod.

Don't Move Firewood

A poster summarizing impacts of invasive forest pests.

Don't Move Firewood

A poster highlighting spotted lanternfly, Asian longhorned beetle and oak wilt.

Don't Move Firewood

A poster that highlights importance of not moving firewood.

Resources for Educators, Don't Move Firewood

Fun coloring pages for kids that spread the Don't Move Firewood message

Don't Move Firewood

Questions and answers based on the 2016 Vermont firewood law.

Don't Move Firewood

A poster summarizing the 2016 Vermont firewood law and why it is important to buy it where you burn it.

Resources for Educators, Don't Move Firewood

Lessons, resources, blog posts, case studies, current status, and other useful information about invasive species and firewood in the U.S.

Resources for Educators

An Educator's Guide to a week's worth of lessons on EAB based on Indiana's state education standards

Resources for Educators

Puzzles and games for learning about EAB

Resources for Educators

Coloring pages for EAB and ALB

Resources for Landowners & Communities, Invasive Forest Pests

This document summarizes EAB Biological Control Release and Recovery.

Invasive Forest Pests

Detection of emerald ash borer in urban environments using branch sampling

Resources for Educators

How to make an EAB model

Resources for Educators, Invasive Forest Pests

Design for EAB Trivia Cootie Catcher

Resources for Educators, Invasive Forest Pests

Part of the EAB Information Network, this is where you can find upcoming webinars on EAB

Resources for Landowners & Communities

Emerald ash borer: Information for Forest Landowners

Resources for Educators

Clue cards for EABINGO Game

Resources for Educators

25 Emerald Ash Borer BINGO (or EABINGO) game boards