
Invasive Japanese Barberry to Gain Ground with Climate Change

Barberry in Vermont

"Climate change may force one of New England’s invasive plant species to retreat north, while another will likely stay put and take over an even greater area, according to a new study by UConn faculty and former doctoral candidates.

Garlic mustard may disappear from the southern part of New England only to crop up in Canada, while Japanese barberry takes hold of the region."

There's Beauty In Wood Ruined By Emerald Ash Borer, Furniture Maker Says

CHICAGO — The emerald ash borer has left a trail of destruction in its wake — but also some beauty, Curtis Witek says.

Witek, of Noble Square, is founder of City Forest Products, which takes wood destroyed by the emerald ash borer and turns it into products like cutting boards and end tables. Witek started the business, which he runs out of a small workshop in Wicker Park, in January and will officially start selling his creations with an April 28 launch party.

Downside of Being a Global Hub: Invasive Species

Some are disarmingly named, like the cutesy Chinese mitten crab. Others have names more indicative of their undesirable nature, like rock snot, an algae that slimes up cool forest streams.

They are some of more than 100 invasive species that conservationists must battle in New York State, which teems with a growing number of plants, birds, fish, insects, mosses, molds and fungi that actually belong somewhere else.

Crazy Snake Worms: Invasive Earthworms in our Gardens and Woodlands

  • Workshop
Come and learn about ‘crazy snake worms’ with UVM Professsor Görres and the results of their voluminous appetites for duff which impoverishes forest ecosystems by keeping most understory plants, and many trees, from germinating. This results in almost-sterile ecosystems that are not sustainable.