Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week Toolkit

This year, Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week is May 18th to 25th for 2025. 

While the loss of our ash trees is inevitable, identifying infestations early and slowing the spread will give communities time to plan to mitigate the economic and ecological impacts of the pest.

The links below will give you tools and resources to raise awareness of this invasive pest and help prepare your communities to respond to its arrival. Contact Ginger.Nickerson@uvm.edu for questions and materials.

How to Identify Ash Trees
Host a Tree Tagging Event
For Communities: Host an Informational Event
Publicity Ideas
  • Run a story in your local paper or radio station
  • Host an EAB Awareness Table at the Farmers Market or Drop-Off Station (contact Ginger.Nickerson@uvm.edu for literature)
  • Host a “Don’t Move Firewood” Coloring Page Contest with your local newspaper, and display the submitted pages on the windows of a local store front, post office, or town office.
  • Post events on your community Facebook Page and Front Porch Forum
For Teachers: Educational Resources
For Sharing on Social Media
Additional Resources