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- Forest Hero! Volunteer Resource Binder
- Solo Exploration Activity
You've been assigned a Mystery Plant (if you can’t remember the one assigned, pick one or try all three!). Your goal is to identify it and teach the rest of us how to identify it when we're out in the woods. Using the "12 Common Vermont Invasive Plants Field Guide," your Mystery Plant card, the "How to Teach ID" lesson, and the Gallery Pages, try to identify your plant, and write down how you would teach that identification to others.
In next week's session, we'll call on 3 people at random to lead us through identifying the Mystery Plants, so come prepared to teach about your plant!
Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes - including reading through all the resources identified
12 Invasive Plants Commonly Found in Vermont Field Guide
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- Interesting Articles
Have an interesting article to share? Send it to us, and we'll post it here for everyone.
- Science Corner
- Physical Resources
Essex Tool Loan Library has management and education tools (AIS, Invasive Plants, Tabling, Mapping kits) you're welcome to borrow for free
contact the FPR Invasive Plant Program for more information
- Podcast