The Regional Invasive Insect Preparedness Team (RIIPT) presents four new hilarious and educational emerald ash borer public service announcements. The videos were produced by Demars Media and their work was funded in part by a Caring for Canopy Grant from the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program. Check out the videos here.
The Regional Invasive Insect Preparedness Team represents a planning effort spanning much of Lamoille County and beyond. With representatives from five towns, four in Lamoille County and one in Franklin County, this team has inventoried ash trees throughout the region, and has started the preparedness planning process in communities. The purpose of a regional preparedness team is to utilize advantages afforded to these communities through collaborative planning efforts and potential cost-sharing opportunities.
Other links:
EAB PSA - Firewood
EAB PSA - Unwanted
EAB - Talk Show