The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Lakes and Ponds Program is pleased to announce the availability of project year 2018 Aquatic Nuisance Control Grant-in-Aid. These grants provide financial assistance to municipalities and agencies of the State for aquatic nuisance species management projects. Funding for the Grant-in-Aid Program comes from a portion of annual revenues from motorboat registration fees, and often is supplemented by federal funds. Anticipated grant funds available in 2018 are estimated at $400,000. The deadline for submission is 4:00 pm on Friday, February 9, 2018.
Priority is given to projects designed to manage new infestations of aquatic nuisances, or to develop novel spread prevention programs. The second priority is to projects to prevent or control the further spread of aquatic nuisance species. The third priority is for recurring management projects. Examples of formerly funded projects include incorporating spread prevention programs like public access “greeter” programs, plant surveys to determine the extent of aquatic invasive species, and the development of public educational opportunities.
The 2018 Application and Manual are available on line at: http://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/lakes-ponds/aquatic-invasives/funding. You may also contact Josh Mulhollem directly by e-mail at josh.mulhollem@vermont.gov or at (802) 490-6121 to request an application.
For a 2018 Project to be considered for an award, please e-mail an edited and completed application package in electronic format (Portable Document Format preferred) to Maria Davies at (maria.davies@vermont.gov) by 4:00 pm on Friday, February 9, 2018.