Applications Due April 15th- ECO Americorps position with VT Natural Heritage Program


Sponsoring Organization

VT Fish and Wildlife Department


VT Fish and Wildlife Department’s headquarters in Montpelier, Vermont

Natural Heritage Assistant

Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department

click here for a full description

The service project is with the VT Natural Heritage Inventory located at the VT Fish and Wildlife Department’s headquarter in Montpelier, Vermont. The project will include the inventory of wetlands, lakes, rivers, and shorelines for rare plants and animals in the Lake Champlain watershed. The project will also focus on identifying and mapping significant examples of natural communities, such as emergent marshes, floodplain forests, and sand beaches. The position will be led by Everett Marshall, Scientist III with the Department. Apply at this website by April 15, 2019 Vermont ECO AmeriCorps. The position is from Sept. 2019 to Aug. 2020.