Invasives in the News

Vermont’s Public Access Greeter Program had a record-breaking year in 2015 while working to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS). Public access greeters educate lake visitors about invasive species and provide courtesy watercraft inspections for AIS.

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The balsam woolly adelgid is an invasive insect that attacks true firs (Abies, spp) in eastern and western forests.  In Vermont, the native balsam fir and a commonly used Christmas tree, Fraser fir, are susceptible. This insect originated in Europe; probably first arriving in the northeast around 1900. It has been reported in Vermont for many years.  In 2015, scattered...

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Snow lined fields, seed catalogs in the mailbox, and Punxsutawney not seeing his shadow bring thoughts of spring. A popular pastime in Vermont is to plan a walk through the woods just after snowmelt, and catch the brilliance of our spring ephemerals (short-lived wildflowers).

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Walking through the woods in Chittenden County, you may run across someone studying a plant and photographing it with her cell phone. The Mapping for Healthy Forests pilot project has found success in the hands of a superstar volunteer, Meg McEnroe.

From New Jersey, now making her home in the Green Mountains, Meg was drawn to this project after seeing the type of damage invasive plant...

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More detailed information about the results that were featured in a News item in mid-January, link to previous news item:


"U.S. Forest Service...

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"DURHAM — After fighting the invasive glossy buckthorn for decades, Tom Lee, University of New Hampshire associate professor of forest ecology and NH Agricultural Experiment Station researcher, and Steve Eisenhaure, UNH Office of Woodlands and Natural Areas land use coordinator, have planted an entire orchard of the shrub at UNH's Kingman Farm.

Using this orchard, their team is looking...

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CANTON — Residents, foresters and landscapers are being asked to be on the lookout for two new species that may invade the north country’s landscape, including a large worm that thrashes around like a snake.

The Asian spotted lanternfly and the giant Asian jumping worm are emerging invasive species that are being monitored by officials from Cornell Cooperative Extension of...

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There are five challenges that are inhibiting our forests' ability to regenerate successfully and remain a productive land use and a healthy ecosystem: Invasive species, deer, fragmentation, habitat diversity and private owner stewardship.

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A new resource has been released, discussing the impact of earthworms in Vermont.

"Where Are They From?

All earthworms in Vermont are non-native. Approximately 12,000 years ago the state of Vermont was covered by glacial ice. This event removed any native earthworms which may have evolved with our forests.

Earthworms were inadvertently imported with soil and plant...

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"Invasive plants are increasingly altering the structure and function of our natural environment, and now researchers have determined how far-reaching the problem has become. 

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"There are tiny, unseeable creatures doing tiny, unseeable things to help people, wildlife and plants all around us.

Microbes are everywhere—inside the dirt, on your dog and even in your stomach. And scientists increasingly want to harness their powers for good.

One way could be to manage invasive species

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MONTPELIER >> A new rule is being considered that would ban the transport of untreated firewood into the state of Vermont, in order to prevent the spread of invasive pests such as the Asian longhorned beetle and the emerald ash borer.

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"Miconia trees with their ginormous green and purple leaves are invading botanic gardens all around the world. While the plant is aesthetically pleasing, it is also called the "green cancer" for its ability to claim and overwhelm new territories, according to researchers from the University of Alcalá.

A recent study revealed 91 countries that are at risk of being colonized by these...

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The Scout Motto is the best advice for pest managers who want to establish a first line of defense against problematic invasive insects even before they become established, according to Dr. Surendra Dara, an IPM and crop advisor at the University of California.

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Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica), native to Eastern Asia, was introduced to North America in the late 1800s as an ornamental plant. This plant is found in most U.S. states, and many countries worldwide, exhibiting invasive behavior outside of Asia*.

Japanese knotweed was identified in Vermont as early as the 1920s**. In the wake of Tropical Storm Irene, Vermont...

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